Tuesday, August 30, 2005

magic quiz.

You Are Likely an Only Child

At your darkest moments, you feel frustrated.
At work and school, you do best when you're organizing.
When you love someone, you tend to worry about them.

In friendship, you are emotional and sympathetic.
Your ideal careers are: radio announcer, finance, teaching, ministry, and management.
You will leave your mark on the world with organizational leadership, maybe as the author of self-help books.

*stolen from ali's livejournal
What do you know... I am an only child!


Well, the baby was screaming on and off all day. Off when she was eating. Ok, I'm exagerating a little. She just really didn't take any naps at all today and cried. Except earlier in the day when I was making a bunch of frantic phone calls to find out who had pumped my septic tank before we bought the house. Why you may ask... ( well, not really... I know how interesting my septic tank must be to you all) well, back in May I got a letter from the county with this form I need to have the septic tank pumping people sign when they pump and inspect my system. This has to be done every three years. I suppose to make sure that people actually have theirs emptied periodically. Since it's only been 1.5 years since we had it done and I really don't have money to pay my mortgage next month I'd rather just pay the $26 dollars (filing fee) and have the people who did it last sign off on it than pay over a hundred dollars and do it again. Plyed much phone tag and eventually got the correct company the second time I spoke to the selling realtor. Small problem is that we had it done 19 months ago.. and it says a max of 18.. so we'll see if they are jerks and make us re do it..

Thrilling hey.

Today I fed Iris for between 1hr to 1.5 hours at a time with an average of 1.5-2 hours between start times. This means I had about an hour break between feedings. I'm guessing 6 week growth spurt. What fun. Here's hoping we get some sleep tonight. Or rather, I hope I get some sleep. Chris has to work and it would be cruel and unusual to make him stay up.. right?

if you are still reading... Don't you have anything better to do with your time? :D

Thursday, August 25, 2005


I thought I had posted again already. I guess I was mistaken.

So anyway...

LIfe proceeds merrily on. I can almost see myself age in the mirror ( if I actually had time to look at myself in the mirror) because everything is going by so quickly. August is nearly over. I have a 2 month appointment for Iris on September 21st and then I assume I will be back at work starting the following Monday. Three more weeks approximately. Wow.

Iris still rarely sleeps more than 3 hours at night. She continues to give people the finger. ( It's subtle, almost like it was accidental... but we all know she's flipping us off.)

The tornado hystaria is wearing down. Not the it is any less horrible, but it is on the news less. Replaced by some other hyped up thing.

I have nothing to wear. I need to take the maternity clothes out of my closet and put normal clothes back in it. Not that a lot of them will fit anymore anyway... I have 10lbs of pregnancy weight left to lose. I suppose that 10 left of 42 isn't so bad, but it doesn't make my clothes fit any better. I miss my shaping underwire bras. They have been replaced by sports style nursing bras that I always have to keep a breast pad in or risk leaking onto my shirt at an inopportune time. ( anytime) Really, when is it a good time for a wet spot on ones shirt...

I have things to pick up at the library. I don't feel like going anywhere. Last time I went I talked to a library patron who had a baby like the week before me. She is starting a mother baby group and I gave her my phone number. I think that will be a really good thing. I don't know anyone really. Plus Shawna is moving to Madison to live with her boyfriend, so she won't live in town anymore. I think it will be good to try and meet some people like me with kids. I don't know if there are any people that I'll gel with here... but one never knows.

Well, I should be feeding iris again in 30 minutes and I'd like to swith some laundry and put in another load. Angel baby is in her bouncy seat looking around. She just spit out her pacifier and I'm wondering how long it will be till she cries. I'm going to try to give it back and dash down stairs and back before she flips out.

Wish me luck.

Friday, August 19, 2005


So yeah.. the best laid plans for a nice dinner and an hour of trashy reality tv dashed.

We had be waiting for Thursdays episode of Big Brother since Tuesdays finished. We had planned ahead what to eat for dinner and everything was set... Except of course for the severe weather alerts. There was weather coverage straight from 5pm and they really didn't cover anything but the storm systems moving through south central Wisconsin. They have all this fancy new weather equiptment that can show you the "rotations" that cause tornados on channel 9. So when they said that people around our town should take cover I went to go tell Chris since he was outside getting ready to grill pork steaks for our dinner salad. He wasn't in the back and I saw him in the front yard looking at the sky and coming quickly around to the back and looking back up at the sky. I guess he saw the swirling clouds dropping... He said we should go down to the basement, and we did. We had brought a radio down to the basement and eventually founf a news station with coverage of the weather emergency. Shortly after we went back up stairs. The cable tv and internet were out so we got the old antenna out and struggled to geta station to come in clearly. By thn it was over and we saw on tv that the north west end of town like 15 houses were flattened and more than 50 were severly damaged. The fottage is pretty incredible... still so surreal. If I didn't have the baby I would totally go volunteer to help. Right now I can barely have a shower every couple of days...

In other news...

Iris had a one month check up and was up to 9lbs 6oz! She is getting so big! No days have been as bad as when I wrote my last post. She is also 22" which puts her in the 90th percentile for her age. She's a very tall girl. :D I really think she is not getting enough sleep during the day... and not enough at night for me...

EEEP! It's time for her to eat ~ again.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005


After a 5 hour sleep, a 45 minute feeding, a two hour sleep, an hour feeding and a fitful hour and a half sleep; the baby has been up all day. Since just after 9am Iris has done nothing but eat, cry and produce mind bogglingly large poo after poo. Everything a baby should do but sleep.

I'm still in my pj's, pj's with a coffee stain and drops of detergent. It is 5:41pm. The baby is crying and I am having my first glass of wine in 10 months. I"ve had a couple sips and I feel better already. I wonder if she will sleep when this wine hits the milk. I wonder if she will sleep tonight.

I am trying to decide if this is the 3 week growth spurt or if she just really wants me to have no nipples left. I never thought I'd be talking about nipples in my blog. Or be topless around as many family members as I have been lately... but hey... a lot of things are different now. Chris went upstairs to change her diaper, she continues to cry.

What fun newborns are.

Monday, August 08, 2005

Wednesday's child is full of woe.

I couldn't quite remember this poem about the day you were born... But I had my suspicions. Iris was born on a Wednesday. This website can figure out what day of the week you were born on so you can see if you are full of woe as well. Chris was born on a Sunday and I was born on a Wednesday... Of course. ( heh) Oddly apt.

Well, we survived our first night home alone in the house with Iris. Chris sent me to bed and he was up with her for an hour trying to get her to sleep.

Chris has the "yard cam" pointed at the stroller that we use as a bassinette in the living room. So while we are down here with her asleep you can watch her as well. Creepy huh. :D

I need a nap. I have a nagging guilty feeling that I don't do enough for the baby. Chris changes her and usually rocks/ comforts/ burps her and he is the swaddling champion. I feed her. I suppose I feed him aswell. :D I guess he would amke food for us if I was the one holding the baby most of the time. I also imagine that I'll do more of this kind of thing once she gets a bit bigger and more alert. I should enjoy the break I get, Chris will be back at work starting the 22nd of August. I'll be alone with her all day! Eeeek. I wonder if the days will go by as fast when it's just the two of us? I wonder if I'll be able to get her to stop crying when I'm the only one here. I wonder if I will remain calm.

We are 99% sure we are going up north to Chris' vacation house for a Bukrey family reunion this week. There will be nearly 20 Bukrey's there. Lots of extra hands to take the baby. Although, I can't imagine people volunteering to rock our baby if she's a crying mess. I also worry about her keeping people from sleeping, since Chris' parents think we should take their bedroom and they will go stay at a nearby hotel. I daresay it will make it easier for us.. not having to schlepp her and all her "stuff" back and forth. Plus, people will get to see us more since we won't have to wait untill the time is right( between feedings) to drive over carrying all the aforementioned stuff.

I think we are going to drive up in my truck. Although I think it will be more spatious, I wonder how it will do on the long drive. It had 213600 miles on it when I bought it the week before I had the baby, and my Mom made 4 trips to Ho Chunk to play black jack. So now it has 214500 miles on it. Good old Toyota's! We'll see how it does on a longer trip. I'm sure it will be fine, just cost more in gas than the car would.

Well, I think I am going to try for a nap before she wakes up again. I think I have to start using the nipple shield again on one side... I thought it was supposed to get easier... Blah.

Friday, August 05, 2005

Ooot and aboot~

It is getting easier. I glance around to see if the baby hears - She would no doubt switch gears if she thought she had to take up the slack. After not very much sleep on Wednesday night, thursday night was much better. I think the part that makes the most different it that it was almost 7:30am when she started to make the "noises" again. Chris was soothing her last night so I went to bed at 10:30pm and I guess he came to bed at 11:30 and she slept till... Hrrm. I can't remember. See, this is another thing that comes with new parenthood. Sleep deprivation induced short-term memory loss. I think it must have been aroun 1:30 or 2:30am... and then I put her back down to sleep at 4am till 7:30. It was great. Four hour stretches of sleep are pure heaven. two hour sleep stretches sort of make us more tired. Again, it depends on the night because some nights we have had less and I've felt fine and others I feel a bit like a zombie all day. It's these days that I am a lot less optimistic about this whole parenting thing.

Today we took the baby to Chris' work to show her off. Our first outing really, we have taken her to the Dr. and the Library, but those are short trips. Today we were gone a couple hours and I nursed her in the "health" room at Chris' work without having any pillow or anything. My arms were tired but it was cool to be out and know that I can really meet her "needs" pretty easily. Not so sure about public yet... but I'm sure it will come eventually. After we left "work" we went to target and bought some things... Snacks mostly and a baby bjorn carrier so we can have hands-free baby carrying. Should be good.

We are hopeful that we will be able to go up north to the mini Bukrey family reunion next weekend. The hardest part I think will be getting someone to feed the cats. It's a four hour drive each way, but we can make up bottles.

I'll write more later... baby is crying for the milk bar to open and I'm the only one who can open it.. :P