Ooot and aboot~
It is getting easier. I glance around to see if the baby hears - She would no doubt switch gears if she thought she had to take up the slack. After not very much sleep on Wednesday night, thursday night was much better. I think the part that makes the most different it that it was almost 7:30am when she started to make the "noises" again. Chris was soothing her last night so I went to bed at 10:30pm and I guess he came to bed at 11:30 and she slept till... Hrrm. I can't remember. See, this is another thing that comes with new parenthood. Sleep deprivation induced short-term memory loss. I think it must have been aroun 1:30 or 2:30am... and then I put her back down to sleep at 4am till 7:30. It was great. Four hour stretches of sleep are pure heaven. two hour sleep stretches sort of make us more tired. Again, it depends on the night because some nights we have had less and I've felt fine and others I feel a bit like a zombie all day. It's these days that I am a lot less optimistic about this whole parenting thing.
Today we took the baby to Chris' work to show her off. Our first outing really, we have taken her to the Dr. and the Library, but those are short trips. Today we were gone a couple hours and I nursed her in the "health" room at Chris' work without having any pillow or anything. My arms were tired but it was cool to be out and know that I can really meet her "needs" pretty easily. Not so sure about public yet... but I'm sure it will come eventually. After we left "work" we went to target and bought some things... Snacks mostly and a baby bjorn carrier so we can have hands-free baby carrying. Should be good.
We are hopeful that we will be able to go up north to the mini Bukrey family reunion next weekend. The hardest part I think will be getting someone to feed the cats. It's a four hour drive each way, but we can make up bottles.
I'll write more later... baby is crying for the milk bar to open and I'm the only one who can open it.. :P