Negative is positive.
Well, my 24 hour urine test came back fine. No hypertension, no pre-eclampsia. Again, I didn't figure I would.. but I did sort of did enjoy the tense waiting. I did not enjoy carrying a trough of pee down to the fridge 4 times in the middle of the night.
I think I might go weed a bit in my "wildflower" garden. ( where I shook out a bunch of packs of seeds.) I guess a stinging nettle went to seed last year or the year before and there are tonnes of them, and the dreaded burdock mixed in with the flower seeds. I'm also out of cereal, which may require a trip to the store. Plus.. I could stop by the thrift store and look at baby clothes. I'm a little paranoid that the baby will surprise us and not be a girl, especially since we went and bought pink gingham curtains and various girly stuff. It would be a bit of a pain, but I would be equally excited about a boy.
I don't think I have anythign else interesting to report. I have trouble getting to sleep, my hips hurt so I have to keep switching sides and... much to my chagrin. Chris tells me I snore. *gasp. I guess it's a new thing, he said I just started. I don't know if it's from the air conditioner or the fact that Ladybird cuddles with me every night now.
Well, I'm off to do somethign else for a while...