Long day.
I get really hot at work. So I turn the "hurricane" fans on behind the Circ desk. Papers tend to blow around. Everyone else is cold. What's a girl to do....
I'm tired and achey. My back hurts, my ankles look like they are made of dough ( if you can even call them ankles now) My left ear hurts, my left jaw hurts. I could take a Tylenol, but I don't even know if that would help. It's just going to get worse. This is why I am going to go to bed now. Everything in my world gets better after a good nights sleep. Except now my good nights sleep is punctuated by a minimum of three trips to the bathroom after I fall asleep. Usually at least one more after I'm in bed but not yet asleep.
In other news, Breyers informed me that my popsicles have not been made smaller. I just got a bad box I guess. Lucky for them! The wrath of the grouchy pregnant woman is a fearsome thing indeed.
Some how Shadow spilled Chris' beer on the lap top. Hopefully it's not fatal.
I think this is my most boring post yet. How about you?