Wednesday's child is full of woe.
I couldn't quite remember this poem about the day you were born... But I had my suspicions. Iris was born on a Wednesday. This website can figure out what day of the week you were born on so you can see if you are full of woe as well. Chris was born on a Sunday and I was born on a Wednesday... Of course. ( heh) Oddly apt.
Well, we survived our first night home alone in the house with Iris. Chris sent me to bed and he was up with her for an hour trying to get her to sleep.
Chris has the "yard cam" pointed at the stroller that we use as a bassinette in the living room. So while we are down here with her asleep you can watch her as well. Creepy huh. :D
I need a nap. I have a nagging guilty feeling that I don't do enough for the baby. Chris changes her and usually rocks/ comforts/ burps her and he is the swaddling champion. I feed her. I suppose I feed him aswell. :D I guess he would amke food for us if I was the one holding the baby most of the time. I also imagine that I'll do more of this kind of thing once she gets a bit bigger and more alert. I should enjoy the break I get, Chris will be back at work starting the 22nd of August. I'll be alone with her all day! Eeeek. I wonder if the days will go by as fast when it's just the two of us? I wonder if I'll be able to get her to stop crying when I'm the only one here. I wonder if I will remain calm.
We are 99% sure we are going up north to Chris' vacation house for a Bukrey family reunion this week. There will be nearly 20 Bukrey's there. Lots of extra hands to take the baby. Although, I can't imagine people volunteering to rock our baby if she's a crying mess. I also worry about her keeping people from sleeping, since Chris' parents think we should take their bedroom and they will go stay at a nearby hotel. I daresay it will make it easier for us.. not having to schlepp her and all her "stuff" back and forth. Plus, people will get to see us more since we won't have to wait untill the time is right( between feedings) to drive over carrying all the aforementioned stuff.
I think we are going to drive up in my truck. Although I think it will be more spatious, I wonder how it will do on the long drive. It had 213600 miles on it when I bought it the week before I had the baby, and my Mom made 4 trips to Ho Chunk to play black jack. So now it has 214500 miles on it. Good old Toyota's! We'll see how it does on a longer trip. I'm sure it will be fine, just cost more in gas than the car would.
Well, I think I am going to try for a nap before she wakes up again. I think I have to start using the nipple shield again on one side... I thought it was supposed to get easier... Blah.