Wednesday, January 19, 2005


There's just so much to do. Things are expected... Neither Chris nor myself are particularly prompt about things like correspondance and the like.

Chris' grandfather died on Fridayand we couldn't afford to send Chris down to see his grandma, now it's already thursday night. Two days after the funeral and Chris hasn't called, neither of us have sent a card. Well, I just sent an e sympathy card.. but it it too little too late? It's not like we weren't thinking about them... our own memorial.


I didn't do much today... Some knitting, and I hunted around for the things we need to bring to the immigration interview we have on Febrary 10th. We sure have to bring a lot of stuff to prove we are an actual couple. Luckily I found everything pretty easily. I just have to make copies of everything, because if there aren't copies.. they will take the origianls... I'm not sure if that goes for everything... But, you never know.

Well, I have hamburger thawing with plans to make meatloaf and some sort of potato and veg for dinner. Will get to that soon. Chris had a physical today at the Dr. Everything seems fine, we'll see once his blood test results come back to know what his cholesterol etc are.


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