Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Dreams of bees.

To see bees in your dream, symbolizes good luck, harmony, and bliss. Bees are also symbolic of work and industry as represented by the common phrase "busy as a bee."
To dream that you are stung by a bee, signifies unexpected misfortune. You will be surrounded by trouble and severely reprimanded.

To see a wasp in you dream, signifies angry thoughts and feelings.
To dream that you are stung by a wasp, symbolizes growing envy and hatred towards you.
To dream that you kill a wasp, signifies your fearlessness to ward off your enemies and maintain your ethics and rights.

I have been dreaming of bees. Flying things and buzzing. Could it be one of these meanings? Perhaps. What I think it really means is that the buzzing coming from my bedroom wall is getting to me. That's right, we have wasps living in the exterior wall of my bedroom. The sound that was once masked by the air conditioner or the fan is clearly audible while lying in bed. Now, if that isn't a reason for insomnia, I don't know what is. Yet, I still sleep. I sleep fine, but these winged insects have invaded my head. I walk by and I pound on the wall to make them buzz louder. Me thinks this is not a good tactic.

I called exterminators yesterday to find out the approximate cost of ridding my wall of these beasts. They all want to get you set up with a regular schedule of treatment that will also kill all the other bugs in my house. I don't mid the other bugs though, even though the spider webs along the ceiling are getting unsightly even to me. The down side to all this is that it's amazing how fast money goes when you pay for two weeks of daycare and long overdue medical bill is paid. We get more money on the first, but that's for the mortgage. Chris gets his first check on the 7th of September. (YAY) So, perhaps I will be rid of my most obnoxious houseguests then.

Iris is awake. There are no bees in her walls. yet.


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