Wednesday, April 19, 2006


I've been really busy at work. We did interviews and hired someone who resigned a week into training. That's ok.. I'd rather not have someone keep at something they know they would hate, especially after we spend a lot of time training them. So... we called our second chioice and are awaiting her reply.. should be today. Best case scenario: She says yes.. I would love to come work with you even though I was your second choice... and will start on Monday. Worst case scenario is that she says no and we have to advertise, do more interviews and train again. Tis owuld be at least another month and a half of my poor over worked circ team doing way more than they bargained for. Go team go! Anyway.. here's hoping for door number one.

On the bright side I bought my first Coach bag! It's a dark purple suede satchel handbag with black leather trim. I thought it was going to be bigger... like big enough for files.. My minds version of the dimentions were really skewed from the actual size. The measurements were true.. I just was being a retard.

Chris has an appointment on Thursday with a dermetologist to have them look at the growth on his lip. He hopes that they will just cut it off there.. as do I. If not, hopefully they can get him in before May 19th, which is when he has an appointment with a plastic surgeon to get it removed and biopsied. Fingers crossed.

On the garden front my daffodils are out, tulips are budding, but not open yet and crocus' are done. I guess I needed some fertilizer or something because a lot of my daffs didn't bloom at all and so far the tulip flowers seem really anemic. The Iris' I planted last fall for the new baby at all coming up I think, and the daffodils I planted in like November are coming up too, they are just quite a bit behind the second year ones. So the blooming season is extenaded.. yay.

I finally bought running shoes, so now I have to call the gym I get a free membership to through work and make an appointment to have an orientation. NO excuses people, the scale creeps up. It's all that babies fault! I swear.. I never eat dinner before 7:30 at night, I have a sweet tooth that I NEVER had before I was pregnant. The "big" clothes I bought to bridge the gap when I was losing the baby weight are starting to fit.. instead of being baggy. Bad, bad news.

Well, this has been an awfully boring entry anout what's goin on over here. Hopefully once I get up to speed in "real life" I can get more flowery in my details.


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