Wednesday, July 21, 2004

I remember ...

Riding the t-bar up the ski hill with my friend Sara.  We were singing Milli Vanilli's Blame it on the Rain at the top our lungs. Occasionally we changed the lyrics to  blame it on the cold, or the snot... We must have been 12, maybe 13... I can't remember. Nightskiing, it was so thrilling. Not being around my mother and zipping around on skis with my best friend in the dark. I remember laughing, chilled and breathless.

Sara was my best friend from kindergarten till the 10th grade.

Isn't it weird the things you remember. The sort of cool thing is that once you start you begin to remember all sorts of other things. I wonder if I should be trying to write it all down before I forget everything. Perhaps I'll change the blog to an "I remember" blog. Or not... might just be a nostalgia thing today. My memory may not be that good.

I think it's been a really long time since I laughed like that. Dizzy, sore face and stomach laughter. I want that back!


We had company over for dinner on Sunday. Chris' friend Mariah, her husband and their baby. The coolest by-product of having people over in my opinion is that it forces you to clean your house. It's still mostly clean, even almost 4 days later. Am I less messy?, or does it take longer to mess up a house than an apartment. *ponders.

Now if only we would win the lottery, everything would be perfect! I am really excited about the yard though. Some plants are dying back from too much shade and it's easier to imagine how it will all come about. Still a LOT of pulling and raking to do, months of it. I sawed up a few more downed tree's today and dug a bunch burdock plants that were taller than me. The mosquito's were horrendous, it was really humid and muggy and wet from the storms early this am.

ramble ramble ramble


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