Monday, July 12, 2004

I am having a fabulous hair day.

And now for something completely different.

I have a staff meeting tomorrow at 7:30. Which means that I have to get up much too early. Lucky for me I am getting a ride so at least I don't have to try and walk. I missed the last staff meeting. I totally forgot. I felt like such an ass. Oh well, I didn't get in trouble so, no big deal. I just have to make a habit of checking my calendar thing that I keep in my purse. The thing that tells me what I have to do on each day.

Tonight at the library, just before closing, the lights started flickering. I say ghosts. Diane ( the shelver) said power surges because everyone is blasting their aircondioning. I think my theory is more fun.

Chris just informed me that we are having 93% humidity right now. Gross. The kind of weather where you feel sweaty and gross straight out of the shower. I miss the west coast. Humidity is the devil.

Chris mowed the lawn tonight. I could barely see it because it was or course, pretty dark by 9pm. However, it did *feel* shorter. I'll see it tomorrow, I'm sure it's beautiful.

New template. I like it a lot more. Much more what I was aiming for before. Now, if only I could figure out how to do pictures I should go see how that fotolog site you other people use. I doubt I really need to post more than a picture a day. Especially since I usually don't even blog more than once a week.

On that note. I am going to try and sleep in the hot, sticky humid bedroom. Ahhhh , Wisconsin. If a tornado doesn't get you, the mosquito's will.


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