Sunday, July 11, 2004

Give the girl a saw

And she cuts down the backyard.
I really do go a little crazy with the bow saw. It is fairly effortless, I was born to be a lumberjack. Of course, since I've cut down so many trees I now have to deal with the mess. Tree's down all over with their shriveled leaves all brown and crispy. Chris helped me ( I watched, he did the work) get a log down to the edge of the yard so now I have been dragging the downed tree's over to the log and sawing them into firepit sized pieces. Two piles, one for logs and the other of small limbs and crunchy leaves. It was so humid though, and I was a bit dehydrated from the previous nights vodka and not enough water.

We really should be out picking the ripe black raspberries before it rains. The impending storm is of course why it is so humid today.

There was a dead chipmunk in the grass today. Not sure how it died. It's eyes were open and I crouched and watched it for a while. So peaceful, it had birdseed spilling out of its chubby cheeks. Odd. Chris said he saw a mink in the yard, maybe that got it. Or one of the many neighbourhood cats. It didn't appear to be marked.

Today is a wasted day. We are both kind of off today. No energy, queasy and tired. Sucked into watching the Style Network. They show E True hollywood stories now. It is like crack. I'm so fascinated with biographies lately. I'd like to write a book. It's so not going to happen. Most of the idea's I have a fleeting and don't get written down. I also tend to ramble... Did you know? ( heh)

Well, this must be the most boring entry to date. Just killing time till an online friend shows up. We have a date for a long overdue chat. She hasn't shown up yet.

I think I'll go away now.


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